15 October 2010

ORG_IDs on Sales Order

ship_to_org_id            SITE_ID of SHIP_TO location for the customer on order

sold_to_org_id            cust_account_id means customer id

invoice_to_org_id        SITE_ID of BILL_TO location for the customer on order

ship_from_org_id         Organization_ID of wearhous from which the material is going to be shipped

30 September 2010

How to apply Credit Hold on SO even before Booking the order

We can put all the Sales orders on Credit Check hold for a customer before booking the order.
Open customer details, go to 'Profile: Transaction' tab and enable a check box 'Credit Hold'.

This option is available at Customer level as well as Customer site level, you can use whatever applicable.

Please refer Metalink Doc ID 339665.1 for more details.

Order Management APIs and open interface

 Order Management APIs and open interface document

17 June 2010

Get System Administrator Responsibility in Oracle Apps

Please use the following script to get system administrator responsibility

   fnd_user_pkg.addresp (username            => 'DEVENDRA_GULVE',    ---- Give your user name of front end
                         resp_app            => 'SYSADMIN',
                         resp_key            => 'SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR',
                         security_group      => 'STANDARD',
                         description         => 'System Administrator',
                         start_date          => SYSDATE,
                         end_date            => NULL



12 April 2010

Important Profile options for Responsibility

HR:Business Group
HR:User Type
GL Ledger Name
MO: Operating Unit

** Details will be published later...

How to assing item category to function - e.g. Purchasing

Goto: Inventory responsibility > Setup > Item > Categories > Default Category Sets

Here you can assign different Item categories to different functions of Oracle Application.

Requisition Import Problem for OSP / WIP

Issue: After the WIP move to the Outside processing operation, the requisition import is not picking up the record to create the requisition. Even after running work-flow background engine and running Requisition Import program for WIP, Oracle is not picking up records eligible.

Cause: The issue for requisition import not picking up the record was due to the setup 'Requisition Creation Time' on Outside processing tab on WIP Parameters. It was set to 'Manual'.

Solution: Change it to 'At Operation' and it will start working.