23 November 2011

EFFECT of SLA Pre-Upgrade program

 How do we check whether “SLA Pre-Upgrade program” did its job or not. 

I found a way, first check whether MIGRATION_STATUS_CODE column is added to table GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.
then we can be checked using below query. If we have MIGRATION_STATUS_CODE  = P for periods from which you run the program, then we are on the track.


·         P = Pending Upgrade
The system is preparing to upgrade the accounting periods in this table that have a status P. The accounting transactions in these corresponding accounting periods will be upgraded from 11i to R12 by the Subledger products (i.e, AR, AP etc).
·         U = Upgraded
The accounting records have been upgraded from 11i to R12
·         N = New-Only used by GL