12 November 2008

Serial number TOKEN is defined in a different organization

If you get error "Serial number &TOKEN is defined in a different organization" for receiving any serial number.
Check the ORGANIZATION_ID for the item in MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS table and change is accordingly. If this is correct then try for the SQL given below for applying datafix..

UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
SET current_status = :Status, -- refer the statuses given below
group_mark_id = NULL,
line_mark_id = NULL,
lot_line_mark_id = NULL
WHERE serial_number = :serial_number

1 Defined but not used
3 Resides in stores
4 Issued out of stores
5 Resides in intransit
7 Resides in receiving
8 Resides in WIP

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How Can I apply that code in Oracle system?